What are the most productive conflict management strategies, and how can we implement them in our families? What is the difference between destructive and constructive conflict?

Leonora and Joshua are having disagreements about Leonora returning to work after staying home with their child, Christa, who is now 3 months old. There is constant rejection and retaliation as Leonora demonstrates anger by yelling at Joshua. Joshua continues expressing his opinions about the cost and care of day care centers and wants Leonora […]

Summarize the principle components of each of the seven ethical systems studied in this course (listed above), including the principle ethicist involved in developing the system

What a busy five weeks we have had! We have learned to use moral reasoning and examined many ethical theories in this course. These include virtue ethics, utilitarianism, social contract, deontology with goals (Hinduism and Buddhism), deontology with divine authority (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), relativism (individual and cultural), and deontology with a categorical imperative (Kant). […]

Consider what would be the most important information to share with your colleagues about that step. Together your group will create a research plan for evaluating the rite of passage program described in the assigned article.

About 15 years ago, before evidence-based practice became a standard to which to aspire, a professor found an article describing a treatment program for substance-abusing African-American women that incorporated their children and aimed to preserve their families. The program was built around principles of African-centered theory. The professor thought the program appeared well designed and […]

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